Marriage, rape cases, healthly, life

 After hueger and thirst, the third most important need of an adult is sexual gratification. If there is no legitimate means, children will fall prey to sin and mental illness.


  If children are becoming adults in twelve or thirteen years, marriage will not take place for 25, 30 years.

 So they will become sexually ill and sin.

  The purpose of putting a dupatta on the heads of your daughters will be fulfilled only when their marriage is on time.

 Marriage is the way of human beings, animals can live without marriage

 Every unmarried young man and woman wants each other, so arrange the marriage of your adult children.

 It is haraam to keep young girls in madrassas.  Their basic need is marriage

  Allah Almighty has made marriage the easiest of all social deeds and has the strictest promises for adultery.

  Marriage protects a person's modesty until death after puberty,

 Unmarried man is like a "mad dog".

  Timely marriage is the right of the children. Delay in this makes the parents guilty

 The only honorable solution to a person's sexual need is marriage and not marriage, then adultery will be common. This is the result of common sense.


 Extremely unfortunate, big girls in madrassa universities are getting marriage knowledge without boys,

 Parents do not care about marriage.

 Parents should have mercy on their children and arrange marriage on time

 The biggest and most important issue for young people is "sex life" and talking about it is considered flawed in our society.


 Parents who do not befriend their children or children who do not befriend their parents continue to cause permanent harm

 Start a marriage movement with a member of the mosque

 Make marriage easier if your society is dear.  Otherwise wait for the punishment

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